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Larix Broadcaster APP

Send SRT with Iphone& IPAD over the mobile network (4G)
also available for Android, tested works perfect.

ATTENTION: since the beginning of 2023 the Larix Broadcaster program is restricted without payment. If you still want unlimited use, you have to pay 10€/month or 20€/month (with NDI) for the subscription in the App Store.

You can use Larix Groove Website, for generating your setting and just email/whatsapp the settings as mail, message or QR code to your mobile device, or enter them manually
Larix Broadcaster Settings
With the RED Button, you are starting to send SRT.


With the Gear weehl you go eiter to Connections or Capture and Encoding for settings for video, compression, latency, audio etc.


settings for IP:Port, latency

Capture and Encoding

settings for video, audio, bitrate(transmission), framerate, encoder(avc=H264, hevc=H265) etc.

With the RED Button, you are starting to send SRT.
In the bottom of the image it should show you your connection details, like in this image.

larix_broadcaster_app_for_sending_srt_from_your_mobile_device.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/20 19:45 by

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